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  ProcessModel 5.2 (1 felhasználós "download" verzió)

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ProcessModel  -  DRAMATICALLY Improve Your Processes                                                                                                     ProcessModel                                                                          - helps analyze mission-critical processes                                - allows you to experiment risk free                                         - helps you improve your actual operations

ProcessModel  -  DRAMATICALLY Improve Your Processes                                                                                                    Process Improvement: Project Guide                                       - Background                                                                           - Process Improvement and Company Strategy                      - Selecting the Processes to be Improved                              - Project Teams                                                                       - Means of Documenting Processes                                        - Sources of Information                                                         - What Information Needs to be Collected?                           - Measuring Process Performance                                           - Process Improvement Tools                                                  - Simulation                                                                              - Analyzing and Improving a Process                                       - Process Improvement Phases in Detail                                  - Ensuring a Successful Project

ProcessModel  -  DRAMATICALLY Improve Your Processes                                                                                                    Tutorial                                                                                CHAPTER I.                                                                              This chapter explains the process for creating a basic process model, running the simulation, and viewing the output reports and graphs. It contains step-by-step instruction to help you learn how to:                                       - Define the Process Flow                                                        - Define Resource Assignments                                               - Enter Process Information                                                    - Simulate your ProcessModel                                                  - View the Output Reports                                                       CHAPTER II.                                                                      This chapter will focus on how to use the software to make process improvement decisions. The step-by-step instructions help you learn how to:                                        - Open the New File                                                                 - Run the Simulation                                                                - Print and Analyze the Output Reports                                 - Change the Model

ProcessModel Brochure (609 KB)                                               - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 3 perc                                                   - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 1 perc 10 mp

ProcessModel Project Guide (712 KB)                                        - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 3 perc 20 mp                                         - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 1 perc 20 mp

ProcessModel Tutorial (1268 KB)                                                - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 5 perc 40 mp                                         - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 2 perc 20 mp

Az esettanulmányok szintén PDF (Portable Document Format) formátumban tölthetők le.

 Pénzügyi folyamatok:

GE Capital

Fannie Mae


ProcessModel  -  GE Capital esettanulmány                                                                                                                          "The pod model allowed us to reduce turnaround time nearly 60%, which was well below our targeted percentage. This permitted greater flexibility in servicing existing customers and opened the door for increased loan applications. This win-win situation has the potential to greatly enhanced the company's bottom line"

ProcessModel  -  Fannie Mae esettanulmány                                                                                                                          "ProcessModel has allowed Fannie Mae to help lenders nationwide in understanding the cost of their current business process and the advantage of transitioning their companies to a more efficient process. Cycle times and costs have both decreased dramatically. ProcessModel has allowed lenders nationwide to create a business case so compelling that - even in the face of organizational resistance - senior management is motivated to transition their organizations from the old way to the new."

ProcessModel  -  Thiokol esettanulmány                                                                                                                              "The model’s strength was its use of live animation. The model allowed the intellectual property department and management to see the problems and the solutions. As a result, we will increase the frequency of the patent board meetings and outsource patent searches and other time consuming legal processes. We believe these changes will shorten the time required to process each invention disclosure and patent application significantly. Unusual process flows that could cause us to lose a patent or invention were identified and will be corrected."

ProcessModel - GE Capital esettanulmány (99 KB)                    - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 30 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp

ProcessModel - Fannie Mae esettanulmány (192 KB)                - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 1 perc                                                   - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 20 mp

ProcessModel - Thiokol esettanulmány (56 KB)                          - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 20 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp

Gyártási folyamatok:

Searle Inc.
Custom Windows
ProcessModel  -  Searle Inc. esettanulmány                                                                                                                         "The Celebrex® launch was the most successful prescription-drug launch in the pharmaceutical industry history breaking numerous records. The number one goal was to deliver a successful launch and continue demands on time. Process simulation was critical in helping the launch team to identify and eliminate problems before the launch date." ProcessModel  -  Custom Windows esettanulmány                                                                                                                   "When the baseline model was built in ProcessModel, the weekly output of 1.945 windows was being met at full-production capacity. After lean manufacturing principles and simulation modeling techniques were incorporated, the weekly output increased to 2.400 windows." ProcessModel  -  Kodak esettanulmány                                                                                                                                 "As a result of simulation modeling, Kodak found that people began to understand and internalize what needed to be done to impact inventory and cycle time reduction. They also understood the need to apply learnings to their own operations. People were able to identify and implement concrete actions based on this understanding."

ProcessModel - Searle Inc. esettanulmány (70 KB)                   - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 20 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp

ProcessModel - Custom Windows esettanulmány (70 KB)         - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 20 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp

ProcessModel - Kodak esettanulmány (130 KB)                         - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 40 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 20 mp

         - CMI
         - Becton Dickinson
         - Wyman-Gordon Castings
         - Steelcase

Ügyfélszolgálati folyamatok:

Galileo International
ProcessModel  -  Galileo esettanulmány                                                                                                                               "The simulated two-year period revealed that the number of contracts with new medium-sized accounts was increased by about 120%, the number of contracts with new large accounts was increased by about 150%, and the number of contracts renewals was increased by about 50%. Galileo continues to focus on building an innovative customer relationship management program, that includes automating aspects of its sales force to increase positive interaction with its customers." ProcessModel  -  KPMG esettanulmány                                                                                                                                  "It became quickly obvious that the percent of requests that arrive via the web input channel is the factor that will impact results most dramatically. On average, utilization is 37% lower when the majority of requests come in through the web site (switching between 15% and 60% for web/phone input. Additionally, costs per requests is approximately 34% lower when the web majority scenarios are averaged and compared to the phonebased scenarios. These conclusions, resulting from simulation modeling, helped KPMG hone and refine its services to worldwide clients." ProcessModel  -  Steelcase esettanulmány                                                                                                                              "… it is expected that ProcessModel will highlight areas where Steelcase will be able to increase revenues and reach their goal of reducing expenses by $133 million over the next three years. Providing enhanced value - from the point of customer satisfaction is our ultimate focus."

ProcessModel - Galileo International esettanulmány (30 KB)     - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 5 mp

ProcessModel - KPMG esettanulmány (89 KB)                            - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 30 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp

ProcessModel - Steelcase esettanulmány (20 KB)                     - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 5 mp

         - ecFirst.com

Egészségügyi folyamatok:

Veteran's Administration
ProcessModel  -  Premier esettanulmány                                                                                                                                  "By inputting and analyzing data from ProcessModel, Premier was able to change protocol so that all departments worked together and medication orders were processed much more quickly." ProcessModel  -  Veteran's Administration esettanulmány                                                                                                      "ProcessModel helpedby easily flowing out the business processes, helped significantly improve utilization of employees, and greatly reduced a backlog in other departments, which helped all of them run more efficiently. Because Phase Two of the simulation has not yet begun, the results are still "work in progress." However, the Veteran’s Administration feels it has already met their initial return on their investments."  

ProcessModel - Premier esettanulmány (23 KB)                         - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 5 mp

ProcessModel - Veteran's Administr. esettanulmány (50 KB)     - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 20 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp

Logisztikai folyamatok:

Canada Post
US Air Force
ProcessModel  -  Canada Post esettanulmány                                                                                                                       "As a result of using ProcessModel simulation nationwide in 20 plants, Canada Post discovered they could better organize staffing and scheduling. This was demonstrated when they were able to efficiently process the same amount of mail, while reducing work cells by 50%. This led to a saving of $2 million per year." ProcessModel  -  Qwest esettanulmány                                                                                                                              "Through ProcessModel, US WEST was able to explore ways to more smoothly handle customer orders. The models were able to demonstrate how the implementation of lean production principles could greatly decrease workload, yet increase efficiency. By synchronizing the timing of appointments scheduled with the jobs actually completed by technicians, the technicians could be used more efficiently. Benefits included a decrease in the number of missed and late appointments, less overtime, and smaller end-of-day backlogs." ProcessModel  -  US Air Force esettanulmány                                                                                                             "Although only recently implemented, the model has correctly predicted current bottlenecks arising from system variability, complexity, and resource constraints. Based on our involvment with this project, we feel ProcessModel is well suited for analyzing, understanding, and improving the depot maintenance processes."

ProcessModel - Canada Post esettanulmány (57 KB)                - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 20 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp

ProcessModel - Qwest esettanulmány (24 KB)                          - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 5 mp

ProcessModel - US Air Force esettanulmány (45 KB)                 - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 5 mp

Technológiai folyamatok:

Owens Corning
Federal Aviation Admin.
ProcessModel  -  Owens Corning esettanulmány                                                                                                                      "An evaluation of available tools identified ProcessModel as providing both an improved diagramming technology and the opportunity to apply simulation techniques to process design work. Owens Corning has recently launched an effort to utilize ProcessModel software as a standard component of the Information System product delivery process." ProcessModel  -  Imation esettanulmány                                                                                                                              "Results from simulation modeling showed two activities as bottleneck areas. Running the model with new times showed the job cycle dropping by 22 days (from 155 to 133 days). However, activity utilization stayed above 95% (a good sign!). Process engineering using new technology, which would cut at least ten days from the two activities, was recommended to the customer." ProcessModel  -  Federal Aviation esettanulmány                                                                                                                    "We saved the Federal Aviation Administration millions of dollars by using a simulation model, that demonstrated a worst-case scenario of 2.700 software users online at any given time, versus the previous projection of  9.000 users. This substantially reduced both software and hardware costs for a total savings of more than $25 million dollars."

ProcessModel - Owens Corning esettanulmány (201 KB)          - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 1 perc                                                   - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 30 mp

ProcessModel - Imation esettanulmány (134 KB)                       - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 40 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 20 mp

ProcessModel - Federal Aviation esettanulmány (95 KB)           - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 30 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp

Technológiai folyamatok:

3M Corporation
ProcessModel  -  3M Corporation esettanulmány                                                                                                                      "ProcessModel has helped 3M to reach the goal of the project by reducing the sales cycle from almost eight months to less than five months. At this time, we are often exceeding our initial goals by completing the cycle in a matter of weeks."    

ProcessModel - 3M Corporation esettanulmány (44 KB)            - 56,6 Kapcsolatnál ~ 10 mp                                                    - ISDN kapcsolatnál ~ 5 mp




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